

Preoperative instructions

*It is recommended that puppies have first DHPP prior to surgery date
*We highly recommend that all dogs older than eight months of age either be on heartworm preventative or have a negative heartworm test within the 30 days prior to surgery.
*Dogs over 3 months will need to be current on Rabies or get a vaccine the day of surgery.
*We require pain medication and an e-collar go home with all dog patients.
*Rattlesnake vaccine can never be done on the same day as surgery.
*Complimentary toenail trim is provided for all dogs.

Night before:
over 6# in weight
-big dinner before 7:30pm NO food after that
-water is fine to have all night
-in the morning NO breakfast

under #6 in weight
-big dinner before 7:30pm
-OK to leave a few teaspoons of dry food out over night and a couple pieces of dry food is OK for breakfast

Check in for surgery is by appointment between 7:30-8:30am
*Be prepared for it to take 20-30 minutes

Pick up is between 3-4:30 pm the same day unless otherwise notified.

Common additional charges may include:
In heat/pregnant dogs will be an additional $30
Obese dogs will incur an additional charge between $20-$50
Deciduous teeth are removed for $10-$20 per tooth
Cryptorchid male $30-$100
Reducible hernia repair $30-$60


Preoperative instructions

cats*Cats/kittens can have vaccines on the day of surgery unless prior history of reactions.
However, No rattlesnake vaccine can be done on the day of surgery.
*We understand that feral cats probably will not be able to be fasted the night before surgery.
*Kittens must be at least 2 months old, 2 pounds, and healthy for surgery.
*There is no additional charge for pregnant cats unless fluid therapy is needed. ($10)
*All feral cats under our free program will be ear-tipped. Ear-tipping is only optional if surgery is paid for.
*Complimentary Frontline (topical flea treatment) and toenail trim are provided for feral cats.
*Complimentary Capstar (24hr oral flea treatment) and toenail trim is provided for tame cats.
*Pain medication is given to cats at time of surgery.
**We ask that you let us treat ear mites and/or tapeworms at time of surgery if seen. ($10-15 both)

Night before:
4.1 months and older
-big dinner before 7:30pm NO food after that
-water is fine to have all night
-in the morning NO breakfast

8 weeks to 4 months of age
-big dinner before 7:30pm
-water is fine to have all night
-OK to leave a few teaspoons of dry food out overnight and a couple pieces of dry food is OK for breakfast

Check in for surgery is by appointment between 7:30-8:30am unless told otherwise*Be prepared for it to take 20-30 minutes
*Bring tame cats in a SECURE CARRIER with a towel in it for bedding!!
Feral cats can come in a trap (tie shut with twistie or zip tie) or Secure carrier.

Pick up is between 3-4:30 pm the same day unless otherwise notified.

Common additional charges may include:
Tapeworms $5-6
Ear mites (ear flush and medicate) $10
Fluids therapy (dehydration/late pregnancy) $10
Cryptorchid male $30-$60
Reducible hernia $30-$60