EIN #68-0301201. We Are a 501(c)3 Community Service Non-Profit.
Give locally to benefit Animal Spay and Neuter Clinic
Our clinic has established a partnership with the Placer Community Foundation to accept planned gifts. You can tailor a gift that maximizes your charitable assets, achieves the timing and impact you want to create, and accomplishes your personal financial planning goals while supporting our important work.
Please consider supporting us through a bequest from your estate. The following is sample language only. Please contact Placer Community Foundation, info@placercf.org 530-885-4920 to determine the exact language that will be appropriate in your situation.
I give and bequeath to Placer Community Foundation the sum of $(Amount), or (Percent)% of my estate, or all the residue of my estate, real or personal, which I own at the time of my death or over which I have the power of disposition. The Placer Community Foundation shall administer said assets for the sole benefit of, and in accordance with the provisions of, the Amended Articles of Incorporation of Placer Community Foundation of Auburn, California, and any amendments or additions thereto at any time made. The fund so established shall be known as the (Name) Fund of Placer Community Foundation.
Placer Community Foundation shall make distributions from this Fund in accordance with a spending policy adopted by the board of directors of Placer Community Foundation annually for component funds of Placer Community Foundation. The annual amount determined in accordance with the spending policy shall be distributed to Animal Spay and Neuter Clinic.